Pet Sitting and Personalized Training While You Are Away

"Keep in mind that there are basically three types of homes in which
your dog can live: a home in which humans use force and intimidation
to get the dog to be obedient; a home in which your dog has all the
social control and gets what he wants whenever he wants it; or peaceful, harmonious household in which you are a wise, benevolent
leader. You get to choose. Just remember, your dog can't" Patricia McConnell, PhD
your dog can live: a home in which humans use force and intimidation
to get the dog to be obedient; a home in which your dog has all the
social control and gets what he wants whenever he wants it; or peaceful, harmonious household in which you are a wise, benevolent
leader. You get to choose. Just remember, your dog can't" Patricia McConnell, PhD