April 2014- In March, we lost our Austrailian Shepherd who was a "rock" to our 6 year old Pomeranian, Shelby. Although Shelby had recently accepted, a 9-month old rescue Aussie mix into our household, he became "Cujo" towards Logan, an 8-week old Austrialian Shepherd puppy we brought in, to the point we had to keep the two separated with a puppy gate. Not even experiencing such a program in 20 years of having dogs, we contacted Brenda. During her first visit, she determined that Shelby was, in part, grieving for his "rock". Brenda was able to calm Shelby's high-strung personality enough to slowly introduce him to Logan for a brief period of time and encouraged us to continue what she had shown us over the next two weeks. Although Shelby became somewhat more accepting of Logan, issues remained and we still had to keep them separated. On her next visit, Brenda worked with Shelby and Logan on neutral territory outside our home and then in the backyard where, eventually, she let them "establish boundaries" without either being on a leash. And, less than one week after Brenda's second visit, Shelby started playing toy tug-of-war with Logan. Brenda's knowledge and understanding of how logs interact is remarkable,and we highly recommend her.
Larry and Pat
Larry and Pat